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Moles meaning -What Your Moles Say About Your Personality

Moles are small colored spots on the skin and they occur when the cells in our skin grow in a cluster. Usually, it is these cells that grow throughout the skin and give moles their natural color.

Did you know that each noticeable mole on your body carries a hidden meaning?
According to many cultures around the world, the position of these moles on different body parts say a lot about a person’s character. Let’s find out what your moles mean and say about your personality!

Number 1 - Mole on the Forehead

A mole on your forehead is considered a sign of prosperity. But, the exact location of the mole also changes its significance! For example, a mole in the middle of your forehead represents wisdom. You have clear insights and you’re active and industrious. It also points towards a happy marriage.

A mole on the right side of your forehead means that you will make a great partner - be it in business or marriage. If you have a mole on the left side of your forehead, you aren’t as fortunate, as it denotes a lack of luck in life.

Number 2 - Mole on the Eyebrows

A mole in the middle of your eyebrow denotes leadership qualities, wealth and fame. A mole on the right side of your eyebrow signifies great success, a wonderful marriage, and healthy children.

If the mole is on the left side of your eyebrow, it signifies cowardice, addiction, few children, and you may face troubles regarding your job or in business.

Number 3 - Mole around the Eyes

A mole outside the corner of your right eye is a good sign. You are considered, to be honest, sober and trustworthy. If the mole however is on the corner of your left eye, this represents an arrogant, untrustworthy person.

Number 4 - Mole on the Chin

A mole on either side of your chin indicates that you are affectionate and caring. A mole on the chin signifies adaptability, determination, and stubbornness. Because the chin represents movement, when a mole shows up here, it means that you’ll fall in love with the idea of traveling.

In addition to this, a mole on the right side of your chin represents logical thinking and diplomatic nature, and a mole on the left side of your chin means that you are straightforward, blunt and honest.

Number 5 - Mole on the Neck

A mole on the front of your neck signifies good luck and artistic ability with a sweet voice. If the mole is on the back of your neck it represents an angry and aggressive personality.

Number 6 - Mole on the Cheeks

A mole on either cheek represents a courageous, sincere and studious person. You may not be interested in material pleasures of life, but you will be a gifted athlete. A mole on your right cheek denotes a sensitive and caring personality, and you value family. A mole on your left cheek represents that you have an introverted personality.

Number 7 - Mole on the Nose

A mole on the nose says that a person has high self-respect, is a sincere friend, and a hard-working individual. Look out for the person who has a mole on the tip of their nose, as they are often quite short-tempered.
A mole on the right side of your nose means that you are passionate, and tend to seek opportunities to get laid often. A mole on the left side of your nose represents struggle.

Number 8 - Mole on the Lips

A beauty spot near the lips says that you always aspire to get ahead in life. If the mole is located on the right or left corner of your upper lip, it indicates that you're a foodie and you’re in pursuit for the finer things in life.
If the mole is on your lips, this means that you should take care of your diet as you’re prone to health issues.

Number 9 - Mole on the Shoulders

If you have a mole on your left shoulder, you tend to be difficult and may insist on being right all the time. If there’s a mole on your right shoulder, it means that you are wise, brave and courageous.

Number 10 - Mole on the Chest

A mole on the chest indicates that you can be extremely amorous and sensual. However, financial troubles are quite frequent in your life if you have a mole on the right side of your chest.

If you have a mole on the left side of your chest, it represents a clever personality. However, you may have a hard time maintaining relationships with your family and friends.

Number 11 - Mole on the Belly

The closer a mole is to the navel, the more luck it is considered to bring. A mole on the right side of your stomach indicates good finances but, a mole on the left side of your stomach represents jealousy.

Number 12 - Mole on the Hands

Mole on your hand suggests that you are hardworking and energetic. It also indicates that you are talented and you’ll work your way to success.

Number 13 - Mole on the Back

A mole located closer to your backbone represents fame and you can make a great leader! A mole below your shoulder blades indicates that you will have a tough life. A mole above the shoulder blades indicates that you will face many challenges but will rise to tackle them.
A mole on the right side of your back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left side of your back represents completing tasks through diplomacy.

Number 14 - Mole on the Genitals

This mole says much more about you than just having a healthy libido... A person with moles on their genitals is considered to be generous and honest. When in a relationship, you will be a true lover and would expect more than just good times under the sheets. This also denotes a happy marriage and contentment with your financial situation.

Number 15 - Mole on the Buttocks

A mole on the right side of the butt represents wisdom and creativity. Unfortunately, a mole on the left side of your butt represents poverty and laziness.

Number 16 - Mole on the Thighs

If you have a mole on your right thigh, it shows that you have a fearless nature. You are inclined to be amorous and courageous. If you have a mole on your left thigh, it suggests that you are skilled in some form of art, you’re hardworking, but you don’t have much interest in the pleasures of lovemaking.

Number 17 - Mole on the Feet

Moles on the feet represent a lot of traveling! It's also a sign that you will receive recognition for your good deeds. If the mole is located on your right foot, it represents a good spouse and family life.

If the mole is located on your left foot, this represents financial problems and issues with your spouse.

Does your personality match up with any of these descriptions? Share and Comment!


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